The AWS Developers Podcast

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Optimizing Database Performance with Amazon RDS

Episode #129 from September 06, 2024

In this episode, we delve into the world of database performance optimization with Scott Lynn, product manager for Amazon RDS. We discuss the essential factors that can significantly impact your database performance, ensuring your applications run smoothly and efficiently. We explore effective strategies for scaling your relational databases to meet growing demands and maintain optimal performance. We also delve into the differences between provisioned IOPS, General Purpose SSD, and magnetic drives, helping you determine the best storage option for your specific workload. Discover why io2 Block Express storage is the ideal choice for demanding databases that require high performance and low latency. Join the discussion as we weigh the pros and cons of using self-managed databases on EC2 versus fully managed databases on RDS. Don't miss this informative episode! Tune in to learn how to optimize your database performance and achieve maximum efficiency with Amazon RDS.

With Scott Lynn, Product Manager, Amazon RDS

The architecture behind

Episode #128 from August 30, 2024

This week on the AWS Developers Podcast, we're joined by AWS Serverless Hero Luc van Donkersgoed to explore the incredible story behind! Luc takes us on a journey from a personal project fueled by curiosity about new APIs like Bedrock for Generative AI, to a platform with over 600 subscribed users. We'll delve into the technical behind, a 100% serverless architecture powered by EventBridge, Lambda, DynamoDB, and other AWS services. Join us as Luc unveils the challenges he conquered along the way, the secrets to his cost-effective operation, and how he's turned his passion project into a success story through subscriptions and sponsorships. Get ready to discover how serverless technologies empowered Luc to build a scalable platform for the future!

With Luc van Donkersgoed, Serverless Hero.

Serverless is Not Dead

Episode #127 from August 23, 2024

In this conversation, Seb and Yan Cui discuss the definition of serverless and its key characteristics. They also address the misconception that serverless is dead and clarify that it is still a thriving technology. Yan shares his experience with serverless projects and highlights the importance of focusing on one or two major changes at a time to avoid failure. They also discuss the use of relational databases with Lambda and the benefits of using Aurora Serverless and the Data API. The conversation covers good patterns for building serverless applications, including taking smaller steps in migrations, splitting applications into services, and designing event-driven architectures. It emphasizes the importance of visibility, testing, and observability in serverless applications. The guest recommends using remote testing for most projects and highlights the benefits of using Lumigo for observability. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the future of serverless and the need for high-performance options in Lambda.

With Yann Cui, Serverless Hero, Consultant, Author.

Domain-driven design for cloud automation

Episode #126 from August 16, 2024

This episode delves into applying Domain-Driven Design (DDD) to cloud automation, specifically for event-based integration systems. Author Gregor Hohpe emphasizes the importance of domain languages for clearly expressing core system concepts. He illustrates how Amazon Web Services (AWS) EventBridge can benefit from a domain model to differentiate between Pipes and Buses services. Hohpe argues that cloud automation languages like CDK and Pulumi should harness the power of object-oriented languages to provide developers with affordances. This means using types and interfaces to guide developers towards valid cloud resource combinations, catching errors at compile time rather than deployment. This episode explores how to implement DDD in cloud automation, the benefits of strongly typed automation languages, and how to leverage affordances for more efficient cloud automation.

With Gregor Hohpe, Enterprise Strategist & Author

Embrace GitOps on AWS

Episode #125 from August 09, 2024

This week's AWS Developers Podcast dives into GitOps, i.e. using Git to manage cloud infrastructure. We'll uncover GitOps' core concepts, benefits, and challenges. Discover how to leverage GitOps on AWS with services like CloudFormation, CDK, CodeBuild, and CodePipeline. We'll explore exciting new features including CloudFormation Git Sync, CodePipeline v2, and Amplify Gen 2. Learn about resource replacement, the shift from imperative to declarative infrastructure, and the distinction between GitOps and immutable infrastructure. We'll guide you through adopting GitOps, emphasizing the mindset shift and comparing it to DevOps. Finally, we'll glimpse into the future of infrastructure management with GitOps, including its role in observability. Join us for actionable insights and best practices to effectively implement GitOps on AWS.

With Johannes Koch, AWS DevTools Hero

Free Data Transfer Out

Episode #124 from August 02, 2024

Join us for an in-depth conversation with the team behind AWS's global network infrastructure. Discover how they connect 33 AWS Regions, over 600 CloudFront points of presence, Local Zones, and Wavelength Zones. In this episode, we'll break down how data transfer out charges work and delve into the exciting announcement from March 2024: the ability to migrate your workloads out of AWS without incurring outgoing bandwidth costs. Tune in to learn more about these significant updates and what they mean for your cloud strategy.

With Camden Forgia, Product Manager, Network Team, AWS

AWS Amplify

Episode #123 from July 26, 2024

AWS Amplify is a collection of cloud services and libraries for fullstack application development. Amplify provides frontend libraries, UI components, backend building, and frontend hosting for building fullstack cloud apps. In this episode, we make a tour of AWS Amplify for web applications and native mobile applications. In this episode, we talk about the new capabilities provided by Amplify Gen 2. How it uses the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and integrates easily with Git to create backends automatically for your branches or pull requests.

With Muhammed Salih Güler, Developer Advocate, AWS

Serverless State of the Union

Episode #122 from July 19, 2024

In this week's episode of the AWS Developers Podcast, we delve into the current state of serverless adoption in 2024. We'll address common questions from developers, including the practical uses of serverless, AWS's ongoing investments in this technology, and whether serverless has become the standard for cloud architectures. Whether you're new to serverless or an experienced user with multiple workloads in production, this episode offers valuable insights and updates on serverless technology's trajectory. Join us to learn why serverless is here to stay and how it can benefit your development projects.

With Holly Mesrobian, VP Serverless Compute, AWS, and Julian Wood, Developer Experience, AWS

Stream a response from your GraphQL API with asynchronous Lambda functions

Episode #121 from July 12, 2024

Dive into the world of GraphQL APIs on AWS this week! We'll explore the recently launched feature in AppSync: asynchronous Lambda functions for GraphQL resolvers. But first, we'll break down the advantages of GraphQL over REST APIs and the limitations of synchronous calls in GraphQL. Then, we'll uncover the power of async Lambdas: stream data directly to your client for a more responsive experience and unlock innovative use cases, like generative AI-powered chatbots built with Lambdas. Curious how this can transform your applications? Tune in to learn more!

With Derek Bingham, Developer Advocate, AWS